Measures and Procedures

Measures and Procedures

Discussion Document

This discussion document is presented to encourage good neighbourliness and harmonious living. 

Block Representatives could engage and consult with owners where necessary. 

The points below were suggested by residents and are presented in the same spirit. None of these suggestions are enforceable by the RVOA and we must find a way for residents to adhere to accepted guidelines. 

 1. Speeding: 

 Dust on gravel roads increase when speeding, homes, cyclists, joggers, walkers, pedestrians and the occasional horse riders are affected. Owners are encouraged to respect and regard the safety of all road users. 

  1. a) Speed limit: restricted to 25km on gravel road and 40km on tar roads. 
  2. b) All road signs must be obeyed. 

To aid in addressing the speeding problem, the RVOA, funds permitting and co-operation from the Municipality will: 

  1. a) Set up speed limit signs. 
  2. b) Install more culverts and speed bumps, effective in slowing down traffic. 

2. Noise: 

 Activities, hobbies and volume of music and partying cause a nuisance and disturbance to fellow residents. 

  1. a) No activity, hobbies or loud music and parties after 22h00 on weekdays and 00h00 on weekends. 
  2. b) Report complaints to Tshwane Law-Enforcement Centre. 

3. Roaming/stray dogs: 

The safety of the animals and that of owners encountering these animals are at risk. 

  1. a) No pet allowed to roam the streets, if same pets roam the street continuously, they will be handed over to the SPCA where owners can collect them. 
  2. b) Owners walking or jogging with dogs shall leash their dogs. 
  3. c) Any animal kept shall not cause a disturbance or nuisance to neighbours. 
  4. d) Owners to chip/tag their pets. 

To aid in addressing roaming/stray dogs and to attempt to find the owners, the RVOA will attempt to organise a mobile chipping and vaccine day. Below a link for a chipping company in PTA East that can assist at an affordable price: VIEW HERE

4. Recycling: 

a) Recycling vagabonds pose a security risk and shall be escorted out of the estate – contact MonitorNet. 

b) Sunshine EnviroWaste take recycling: sort recycling materials into clear plastic bags and place outside with waste on Wednesdays. 

5. Burning of refuse/garden rubble:

Nuisance of smoke and ash including the real danger of veld fires.

a) Burning of refuse/garden rubble is prohibited in RVV – all owners to refrain from this activity.
b) Owners may join Welbekend Brand Vereeniging (WBBV) – fee R500 per annum.

To aid owners to dispose of garden rubble to RVOA will investigate the possible of a skip dump from a service provider @ a cost to the owner.

6. Flies resulting from the incorrect keeping of animals:

a) Owners shall rake up old fodder and droppings every day, keep compost covered and HOT, bird and bat boxes to encourage pest control.
b) Regularly spray for termites and flies.
c) Owners should have fly repellents either electrical or sticking tapes to control flies in the environment.
d) Encourage all owners to have at least two red top fly catchers.

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